Sunday, July 10, 2016

J&C for 7/10/16

Jeers to the Black Panther leader, Hashim Nzinga who insists whites are out to get blacks and blacks need to fight back. Jeers I say! And Jeers for people on Facebook who insist on re-posting articles about this. If you are doing it, you're promoting hate; your acknowledging hate. You're saying you agree and agreeing with hate is double hate. MLKJR would not stand for that. Hate does not help hate! #StopTheHate

Cheers to my good luck for living in a house that's at a higher elevation than many homes. We have not seen any flooding in our home even when the street is a river. Our front slopes slightly to the road and the back slopes a lot to the property to our north. We are so thankful.

Jeers to people who like to cast aspirations on our President of the United States. Sure we're not all going to agree with everything he does but by golly, I know in my heart of hearts, he has our best interest in mind. So many people like to twist and turn some of his achievements in such a way they come up as a negative thing or they make something out of nothing. He's the friggin' a little respect.

Cheers to Hazelnut Spread. This stuff is so friggin' good. I like it with peanut butter on bread. It's a good thing to eat too when you have a tooth ache.

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