Tuesday, July 12, 2016

C & J's for Tuesday July 12th

Cheers to buyers of EUC T-shirts at my eBay Store. I love it when you're buying. Thank you.

Cheers to my church lady friends who have dinner once a month (today was the day) and their kindness and inclusiveness. They are the best!

Jeers to conservatives who, apparently, have nothing better to do than find fault with our President. He could cure cancer and it wouldn't change their mind. Now, he gave a speech at the Dallas tribute of the five slain officers and he used some time to talk about the reasons why they were all there...why five officers had their lives cut short. We are a nation divided by the color of our skin; by religion; by political stance. I just can not see why conservatives can not see the good this man has done, the compassion he has. It's mind boggling.

Jeers to my husband and others who are so grumpy in the morning. In his haste he knocks things over and gravity makes his life even more difficult so he yells out his discontent. When he's leaving I say, "Have a nice day." to which he grumbles, "Not starting out very good."  Really? The sun came up. I made you a nice omelet, the electricity didn't go out. It's not raining. There is no flooding here. There is no governmental unrest. Seems to be to be a perfect day. I didn't say this, don't want to add fuel to his fire.

Jeers to the mailman for not bring me some good mail. I want a letter from my new pen pal and I want it now!

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