Thursday, October 13, 2016

J & C for October 12th

Jeers to Mary Fallin for her plan to rescue the oil & gas industry by declaring today "Oklahoma Pray of our Oil Fields" Day. Seriously.

Jeers to all the Trump fans who, apparently, can't see how wrong he is. Their expertise about current affairs is too fractured and full of holes to spot that only 9 percent of Trump’s statements are “true” or “mostly” true, according to PolitiFact, whereas 57 percent are “false” or “mostly false”—the remainder being “pants on fire” untruths. Trump himself has memorably declared: “I love the poorly educated.”


Jeers to my cousin who thinks Marriage Equality should be overturned because same sex couples can't procreate and that's the purpose of marriage. This means, my marriage doesn't count because, like so many other couples, having kids is apparently not in "God's" plan. Nice. 

Cheers to cloudy cool days.

Cheers to having a lot of different things to do.