Sunday, February 17, 2019

C & J for Feb 17th

Cheers to my mama who would have turned 88 today. I hope you are happy in heaven and celebrating like it's 1999 with you twin, Aunt Marie and all the rest of your family. Miss you more than I can say.

Jeers  to me for being stuck in the past and focusing on what I don't have anymore rather than what I do. I am so blessed in so many ways. I just miss my family so much...all of them who have passed.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Cheers and Jeers of late

Jeers to IHOP for making never ending pancakes sound so good that my husband and I went to get some even though it was very cold and super windy out. I fell and broke my wrist so bad it needed surgery and me to even stay over at the hospital for one night. AND I NEVER GOT MY PANCAKES!

Cheers to Gregory Zeider, DO who put my wrist back together again and even fixed a torn tendon. He's not a wrist specialist but he did such a good job you would think he was. Here's my incision.