Thursday, December 15, 2016

J & Cs for December 15th

Cheers to me for trying to accept Trump as President Elect. #ImATrumpAdvisor now.

C & J's for November 6h

Cheers to all my awesome Channing UU Church friends for celebrating my birthday last night at our annual Service Auction. There were poppers popping confetti, people singing and lots of cake! Lots of cake. So glad I found Channing...sorry it took me so long.

Jeers to me for not being a very good UU as I know I'm supposed to support everyone's choice to find their truth. Unfortunately, if their truth includes a magical mysterious being that they can call upon for guidance and healing, my UU filter stops working. In my heart of hearts, my logical side gets in the way and has a hard time accepting what they believe. I know, that's wrong of me but I can't help thinking it. I try to not say far, so good...I think.

Jeers to my stomach for not liking the foods I love.