Jeers to me for speaking my mind....
Okay...I'm doing it again...getting into a conversation about religion one more time (although, to my credit it's been a while). I just saw an meme that basically said that God protected Daniel from some lion and he "will protect you too!" Okay...I'm torn...the UU in me wants to say, "that's nice...good for you." But the logically part of me wants to ask..."where was He last month when so many died from being buried alive because of a massive earthquake in Italy?" Not one of them was a prayer-making-Christian? These memes are so misleading. If you pray and truly believe, bad things will still happen to you. It's a given. Re-posting or "liking" a meme isn't going to stop that. Likewise, there are a ton of non-believers who have great, fulfilling, positive lives and guess what? They didn't pray or ask God for protection. It just happened.
Cheers to all the First Responders who saved so many lives on this day 15 years ago. Cheers to those who lost their lives as we celebrate their lives. Our hearts break for the families who lost someone on that day.
Jeers to me for being jealous of others who have connections I do not. Connections with: former teachers; former classmates; parents who are still alive; their children and grandchildren; to jobs that I could only dream of having; to economical resources. I am so green with envy it makes me so sad. I have so much but yet...I want more.
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