Cheers to being 5 years cancer free! It's a milestone but many people are a little disillusioned with this passing of time without an recurrence. It doesn't mean I'm cured or I'll never get it again but it's a great feeling to know my chances have dropped.
Cheers to all my Facebook Friends who've been so very supportive during the time I was going through treatment. I've said it before, Facebook has huge benefits. I'm in touch with people I never would have been if not for FB. So many old friends from high school and even a few frenemies. Some people, who if you had told me in 1979 I would be communicating with 35 years later I would have said you're smoking something funny. But alas I am! (communicating with them, not smoking something funny.)
Cheers for having a smorgasbord of things to do. I have so many things to choose from: put t-shirts up on eBay; read; write; watch a movie; clean; write a letter; the list goes on.
Cheers to my neighbor for having an air compressor and letting me come over to fill my front trike tire every 10 days so I don't have to buy a new tire.
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