Thursday, January 26, 2017

J&C's for January 26th

Cheers to having a lot of things to do. It's like an "Activity Smorgasbord"  I can do a little writing; a little eBaying; a little cleaning; a little creating. 

Jeers to you know who for insisting he got word from a high-ranking intelligence professional who says torture works. No high-ranking or even low-ranking member of the CIA would say torture works. He is hearing voices or something. He has to be.

Jeers to some friends who just can't see that Trump is the engineer on the Crazy Train. Ugh!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

J & C's for Jan. 25th part II

Cheers to Mary Tyler Moore who turned the world on with her smile for so many years. RIP Miss Mary. You were an inspiration to me.

Cheers to FOX News for agreeing with the truth...that Trump's Inauguration did not have as many physical people there as Obamas in 2009 did and that there is no proof that 2-5 million people voted illegally. Finally the truth. Feels good, huh?

Jeers to Senators and Congressman who don't want to go against Trump because of fear. Yes, he likes to hold a grudge but where's your integrity? 

J & C's for January 25th

Cheers to my brother Jim who has a birthday today!

Cheers to Trump for keeping his campaign promises. I'm cheering it because this means he won't cut Social Security like he promised. 

Jeers to You know who. Here's a breakdown of what he'd done so far....
1) Rejected the idea that the least qualified Dept of Education nominee in the history of the country should have another hearing so we can verify just how much she doesn't know (spoiler alert...she doesn't know anything about running the agency and can’t even put a sentence together without grammatical errors).
2) Put a gag order on the EPA so that they can no longer communicate with the press in any way or issue any new all. Not even tweeting...and that seems a bit hypocritical. I thought this administration was all for tweeting.
3) Ordered the resumption of drilling on the Keystone XL pipeline which happens to be threatening the health and well being of our native American brothers and sisters. Just close your eyes and forget that he has a financial interest in the company per his 2016 disclosure form. No conflict of interest there. Nope, just the safety of the drinking water for millions of Native Americans, but they don’t count, right?
4) Reinstated the global gag order denying funding to any program that even utters the word abortion even if they don't provide them, which essentially will mean less access to healthcare for millions of women around the world.
5) Removed all Spanish language from the White House website. Yeah…I just can’t with this one. Seriously?
6) CBS has now also confirmed that the President brought his own posse to the CIA to laugh and clap at his ridiculously inappropriate speech so that all of his believers could argue that “sure the intelligence community doesn’t hate him for calling them Nazis because see they laugh at the jokes he tells in front of their fallen hero stars.”
7) The Health and Human Services Nominee says that under his new system if you are eligible for Medicaid, you may not actually get Medicaid. Nope. It will just depend on where you live and how they set it up. Comforting I’m sure to the millions who will lose health care and such a good idea because we all know it’s so easy for people on Medicaid (who have no means to buy their own insurance) to just pick up and move.
8) The House passed the Reins Act which makes it virtually impossible for the FDA or the EPA or any of those other pesky agencies protecting our health to pass any major regulation without it getting it approved by Congress, and we all know just how efficient they are. I’m sure big businesses won’t develop any new chemicals to poison us with in the next four years.
9) Talked about canceling the funding for the National Endowment for the Arts and the Humanities, which will save a whopping .075% of our multi-trillion dollar budget and I’m sure not cost ANY jobs in the arts or humanities at all. But don’t worry, the 57% we spend on the military is safe and sound.
10) AND as a bonus, in GA we have a spectacularly disgusting display of misogyny by Republican Representative Earl Ehrhart, R-Powder Springs who wants to protect rapists on college campuses by requiring that the police always be involved in any investigation. While that may not sound bad on the surface, there is that little thing about victim’s rights. With this bill, women will be subjected to a whole world of other injustices like having the event made part of the public record even if they choose not to. I’m sure that won’t stop women from coming forward and leave more rapists in our classrooms.

Monday, January 23, 2017

C & J for 1/23 part II

Cheers...cause it's true...
No automatic alt text available.

C & J's for January 23rd

Cheers to Trump for having a meeting with some manufacturing leaders to try to get them to move back or not leave the country and set up business elsewhere. He gets an E for effort.

Cheers to Trump for keeping his cool as he spoke to these leaders.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

J&C's for Sunday, January 22nd

Jeers to KellyAnne Conway and her explanation on Meet the Press as to why Sean Spicer came out and lectured the press for making it sound like there were fewer people at Trump's inauguration than at Obama's. This woman has to be in a difficult spot, I admit. She has to defend the President and his administration when there's so much they are fucking up. Holy Meep. Sorry, KellyAnne but "alternative facts" are what I like to refer to as "opinions."  That is so funny; no wonder Chuck Todd chuckled. I know, it sucks being on the defensive...I was there for 8 years and I'm glad I'm not there although it would be better for everyone if I were. (I'd do it for the country...that's how I roll. LOL)  Here's the conversation... Alternative Facts..LOL

Cheers to no longer being on the defensive.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Aghhhh!!!! 1/21 Part III

Jeers to Donald Trump who send his Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, out to scold the media for misrepresenting the size of the crowd at the inauguration yesterday. Poor Sean...he has to do this to keep Donald happy but he's what I like to refer as "Wrong!"  See his conference HERE.

Furthermore, doesn't Trump have a country to run?  We never heard Obama complain about such a trivial concern. Holy Meep!  What is wrong with this man. Who hurt him so much that he's so insecure?  I'm almost feeling sorry for him. Almost.

Jeers for 1/21 Part II

Jeers to our new POTUS who is so insecure.

  • At the CIA, his speech included arguing with the media about how many people were at his inauguration compared to Obama. 
     A...he's wrong.
     B...there's proof.  See the difference
  • He said that he's been on the cover of Time more than anyone else...and that's wrong. It was Richard Nixon.

He thinks the media is making up stuff on him. WTF...he's the friggin' President...why is he so insecure? Aghhhh!

J&C for January 21st

Cheers to some PenPals who DO respond in a timely manner.

Cheers to bags of crafting supplies bought at the T-store for .99 cents.

Cheers to my husband's doctor for easing Phil's mind on some issues he was concerned with.

Jeers to me. I have this feeling that for the next four years, I'm going to have more Jeers than Cheers.

Jeers to President Trump for using his inauguration address as a way to inflate his achievements he hopes he will make over the next four years by painting a dismal picture of the USA, complete with inaccurate or boldfaced misinterpretations of the state of the Union. My guess is he is doing this so that when we look back at his feeble contributions, he will appear to have achieved something. Albeit, not accurate.

Jeers to President Trump for rehashing his win as if he still doesn't believe it. Those on the right are telling non-supporters to accept the win and stop our bellying achy over it but it doesn't appear that the POTUS can accept it either.

Monday, January 16, 2017

J&C's for January 16th, 2017

Jeers to me for not writing here every day. This has got to stop. I have so much to say. I need to say it here so I don't get in trouble.

Cheers to a New Year! Let's celebrate that feat. And hope for the best.

Cheers to my latest paper craft... pocket letters! So fun to make and share.

Jeers to penpals who never write back or keep you hanging for weeks.

Jeers to the weatherman who don't get it right, shut down the city, schools and just cause a lot of mayhem for no good reason.

Jeers to parents who say their Christianity won't allow them to accept their child's homosexuality but still love their kid. Just loving them is not enough. If you can't get pass your beliefs that what they do is wrong then you are indirectly telling your child you are embarrassed by who they are. That's not acceptable.

Jeers to Donald Trump for not stepping down after it was proven that Russian was trying to help him get elected.